Monday, October 16, 2006

wonderful weekend whirlwind

"Here comes the twister...". Sorry, I couldn't resist an obscure Talking Heads reference.

We were in A² this weekend and it was wonderful. As usual, it was late when we left and everything was too short, except the drives. Even they went remarkably well. When we left, I-90 was shut down at Buffalo due to there being 20" of snow on the ground. We planned to go as far as we could on it and then head south, which would require an additional couple of hours. We notified Lisa's folks that we would be in late (we were their guests - Thanks Mom and Dad!) and they said they would pray for safe travels. Well, we reached exit 46 in Rochester where the highway was closed and we were listening to a travel report on the Rochester PBS station state that it was still closed. But, looking a mile or two ahead, Lisa could see that a few cars were going past the exit. We reached the exit literally right as the workers were taking down the detour signs and were able to proceed and go through Canada. We got in before 1:00 AM.

The reason for the trip was the baptism of LR Grace. She's been a close friend of Beth's since they were six or so. LR's baptism is an interesting story, but I'll have to leave it for another time.

Saturday, we started the day with a trip to the Z, of course. Mom and Dad G joined us, even though it's not really their kind of place (can this be?). We had a few minutes over lattes and scones to catch up. But, from there, it abruptly went downhill for me. First, the library sale was not open and then I found out that the two people I had hoped to see in the afternoon were not available. So, being quite tired from an intense work week and a long and late night drive, I went back to the house and rested as best I could.

On the way back to the house, Lisa informed me that our 30th highschool reunion was that evening and that she intended to go. Being the introvert I am, this did not make me happy! But, I didn't want her to go alone so I resolved to gear up and go. She promised we could leave early - 8:30 at the latest. Well, we finally left around 1o:30 when I realized we really needed to go if we were going to have any time with Scott and Tam. Yes, that's right. We left two hours later than expected because I was having such a good time. I unexpectedly found myself neither strange, nor a stranger (sorry, again, another reference). People I would not have expected seemed delighted to see me. It made me rethink my highschool experience and wonder how much of the social rejection that characterized that experience was only in my head.

Sunday was basically about the baptism service. The thing I liked best about it was the joy of LR and Beth's happiness. It was like a moment when we could all put aside our doubts and ambivalences and just be happy. So, we did and it was very good.

The last thing that was wonderful was being able to tell all of my dear friends (like 'Give me some love' Hagrid and Mommy Staufer) that my depression appears healed or at least in solid remission. It seems a very dark and long chapter of grief has ended.

To sum up, it was weekend inwhich I realized that relationally I am a very wealthy person.


At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have become a regular Bill Gates of wonderful deep friendships and engaging encounters and everything in between. It has been a delight to witness the transformation.
Your wide embrace of every person you encounter without judgement has brought such richness. Maybe there's a hidden extrovert in there somewhere who is just coming to life. Your story always gives me hope, maybe others will find it so for them through your telling of it via a2exile.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Chris Stauffer said...

Yay! This is encouragement for me to be hopeful for someone close to me who is unhopeful today. Someone who hated high school and who plays the piano and who is looking for a job. Prayers appreciated. Thanks:)

I went to the Z Tuesday - I'm on jury duty and we jurors are trying out Ann Arbor restaurants near the courthouse. Yesterday Argiero's, today Ann Arbor Brewhouse. We're bonding.

It was great to see all you wonderful Eberts. God bless.


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